From start to finish, construction & approvals
During construction, there are many stages that need to be completed, not all of them visible on site. Behind the scenes, we work with a range of consultants and contractors to co-ordinate planning, approvals and audits to see your stage progress to issue of titles.
The below includes, but not limited to, the stages in construction that you may see mentioned in your updates and the email notifications that will be sent to you in preparation for settlement.
1 Construction Approval
Council and other authorities give approval to detailed plans to enable works to commence on site.
2 Site Establishment
Earthmoving machinery do a site scrape, levelling the land and preparing the site for surveying and trenches to be dug for services.
3 Civil Works
Drainage, gas, water and sewer construction followed by road, pavement and kerb works. The final stage is the laying the electrical and optic fibre cables.
4 Practical Completion
Council inspection to confirm all works are complete.
5 Authority Audits Conducted
Following practical completion, the stage must be inspected by a range of authorities (water, gas, power etc) before Council can issue a Statement of Compliance.
6 Title Issue Lodged
Stage Lodged at the Titles Office once a Statement of Compliance has been issued, the stage can be lodged at the Titles Office for registration.
7 Plan Registered (Titles Issued)
With titles formally issued each lot is now registered as an individual property and available to be transferred to the new owner at Settlement. Our legal team will contact your conveyancer to arrange settlement which is due 14 days from the issue of titles.