ICD Property is extremely proud to announce our Gen Fyansford Junior and Senior Playground was shortlisted as a finalist in the Parks & Leisure Australia’s 2022 Awards for Excellence in the category of “Playspace of the Year (>$0.5M)”. The Parks & Leisure Awards for Excellence recognise and showcase the outstanding initiatives and innovative efforts in the spaces of parks and environmental and recreational spaces.
Parks & Leisure Australia’s aim is to build, serve and develop a strong and united parks and leisure industry in Australia. As the national peak body for the ‘people behind the places’ they support members through the provision of training, professional development, research, advocacy and provide a range of products and services to support the industry.
ICD Property is extremely proud to see the Gen Fyansford Junior and Senior Playground listed as the only finalist in the category of “Playspace of the Year (>$0.5M)” by a private developer.

Gen Fyansford’s Junior and Senior Playground is one of the only playgrounds in Victoria to occur within a former industrial quarry. For this reason, it is an impressive display of urban regeneration, demonstrating best-in-class environmental remediation and rehabilitation to transform a previous community eye-sore (the historic quarry) into a thriving, family-friendly, public-use children’s playground within the Gen Fyansford estate. The build was proudly initiated by developers ICD Property and Supalai Australia Holdings when assessing how to create additional estate amenities for Gen Fyansford’s residents. Tract Consultants were engaged as the designers to create a first-rate playground suited to the ~600 Gen Fyansford households containing young families with children surrounding the play space (estimated to be ~ 1,300 families upon the estate’s completion). The brief for the playground was to celebrate the past use of Gen Fyansford’s land as a significant industrial area that largely contributed to Geelong’s regional commercial success, whilst simultaneously signalling a bold and contemporary identity representative of the newly developed Gen Fyansford housing community. Elements such as the playground’s skate bowl (physically appearing as a “mini-quarry” through the circular depreciation in land topography) pays homage to the site’s previous quarry use, whilst the playground equipment’s predominantly red colour synonymous with Gen Fyansford’s branding signals the site’s future. Similarly, neighbouring Gen Fyansford is the iconic Geelong Cement Work silos (recently demolished in 2020) which holds local fame in the Geelong and wider Bellarine coastal region, hence incorporating a silos-esque design into the Junior and Senior Playground was encouraged to commemorate this regional history. Resulting in the custom-built 8m tall ‘silo towers’ play structure within the playground, designed to provide multiple uses (climb tower, slide, bridge, etc) for young and older children alike.

Gen Fyansford’s Junior and Senior Playground is incredibly unique as it clearly provides a strong thematic link back to the rich industrial heritage of the Fyansford township. Elements such as the skate bowl and ‘silo-towers’ play equipment have been intentionally designed to commemorate the site’s former uses in an effort to pay homage to Fyansford’s rich history. Similar links to the site’s heritage have been created through the careful use of bespoke items which use steel, concrete, and rock boulders – all reminiscent of Geelong’s industrial history as a thriving commercial city in its settlement days. Of particular note is how the playground’s standout 8m high custom-built ‘silo towers’ have been built to act as a beacon for the playground and wider Gen Fyansford community, mimicking how for decades the Geelong region looked to the iconic Geelong Cement Works silos as a community landmark and beacon. The playground’s ‘silo towers’ are connected by a rope bridge, making it interactive, and includes a challenging rope climb to reach with a rewarding giant slide at the end of the adventure from the top of the ‘silo towers’. Combining form and function together to create a useable and visually distinct end product. A smaller slide is also accessible from a lower height, catering to younger children. Ramps have also been implemented throughout the playground to widen the playground’s usability by all children and parents. As per its name, Gen Fyansford’s Junior and Senior Playground is designed for younger and older children alike, and whilst there is expansive play equipment for more mature children, the younger kids have not been forgotten with sensory and musical play items as well as a sand pit with built-in diggers being provided for smaller children to use too. The playground also features a bank of swings, a unique climbing mound, timber steppers, and a basketball court for more adolescent and family fun use.

Gen Fyansford’s Junior and Senior Playground not only provides an incredibly rich amenity for existing and future residents of the Gen Fyansford housing estate, but also uplifts the wider Fyansford township (and neighbouring suburbs) by creating a local asset that can be used by all. Aside from providing the children focused playground and play equipment, BBQ facilities, outdoor dining tables and benches – expansive park space suitable for pets and picnics have been designed to create additional value for users. Since opening, Gen Fyansford’s Junior and Senior Playground has become a major attractor and drawcard for families wishing to buy in Gen Fyansford, as well as a central gathering place for the wider community with a range of outdoor events having already taken place over the summer from community sporting events to private family and friend gatherings. When promoting the playground on Gen Fyansford’s social media, several comments are always left by community members signifying their approval of the space and leaving positive feedback about how much they enjoy using it.

In order to encourage maximum engagement with the Junior and Senior Playground, several initiatives were implemented to appeal to users, including aforementioned colour schemes and design details. The playground is also situated in a prime location just off a main road, increasing visibility and access to improve engagement. Within the playground itself, there is a variety of equipment tailored to younger and older children, ensuring there’s something for everyone of all capabilities to enjoy. This was of particular importance to include considering many residents within Gen Fyansford are young families with newborns intending to live within the estate for many years, thus we considered incorporating play aspects for all ages, so the park is meaningful to users as they grow up. These engagement techniques have proven positive in the high volumes of visitors engaging with the park daily. On any given weekend a crowd of families can be seen enjoying the park. Several users also leave positive comments on Gen Fyansford’s social media, commending the park on its excellent design.